“Liturgical Theology and the Trinity: The Mission, Vision, and Values of the Church and the Christian Life” in The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Liturgical Theology. Edited by Porter Taylor and Khalia Williams. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell Publishing, 2025. Forthcoming
“Ambrose of Milan and Asian/Trans-Pacific Homiletics and Ecumenics: A Re-Assessment of Mystagogical Preaching with Kapwa Theology, and Their Implications for the Oikoumenē” in Power and the Pulpit. Co-edited by Gerald Hiestand and Joel Lawrence. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock/Cascade Books, 2025. Forthcoming.
“The Sacramentality of Justice: Towards Kapwa Theologies” in Now To God Who Is Able: Vocation, Justice, and Ministry: Essays in Honor of Mark Labberton. Co-edited by Neal D. Presa and Anne E. Zaki. Foreword by M. Craig Barnes. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock/Pickwick Publications, 2023. pp. 64-76
“Supra-Text and Sub-Text: Pastor as Ecclesial Liturgical Theologian” in Poetic Living: Theological Education, Culture, and Pastoral Ministry: Essays in Honor of M. Craig Barnes. Co-edited by Jacqueline Lapsley and Neal D. Presa. Foreword by Brian Blount. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock/Pickwick Publications, 2023.
“Food and Faith in Easter Sunday.” Blog post on The Anxious Bench. October 24, 2022.
“Between Memory and Hope: Filipinx American/AAPI Communities and the Leitourgia for Justice, Belonging, and Identity.” Confronting Racial Justice: Theory and Praxis for the Church. Edited by Gerald Hiestand and Joel Lawrence. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books/Wipf & Stock, 2022. pp. 150-167
“Familiar Promises for Unfamiliar Times” Stewardship Lectionary Preview series. Jeffersonville, IN: Presbyterian Foundation, December 2021. Commissioned essay.
“Filipina/x/o Americans and Theology” in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Filipina/x/o American Studies. Edited by Kevin L. Nadal. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc., 2022.
“A Call From an API Male Co-Conspirator” in A Biblical Study Guide for Equal Pulpits. Foreword by Edwin Aponte. Edited by Young Lee Hertig. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books/Wipf & Stock, 2022. pp. 96-115
“Artificial Intelligence, the Ascension of Jesus Christ, and Human Flourishing” in Technē: Christian Visions for Technology. Edited by Gerald Hiestand and Todd A. Wilson. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books/Wipf & Stock, 2022. pp. 131-140
“Patience’s Long Suffering: Fruit of the Spirit.” Presbyterian Outlook. 2021. Commissioned essay. Access:
“Spirit-Timed Disclosure: Who Jesus Is and Who We Are” Stewardship Lectionary Preview Jeffersonville, IN: Presbyterian Foundation, June 2021. Commissioned essay. Access:
“Thus Saith the Lord” Stewardship Lectionary Preview series. Jeffersonville, IN: Presbyterian Foundation, January 2021. Commissioned essay.
“Begin Again: Closure and Anticipation” Stewardship Lectionary Preview series. Jeffersonville, IN: Presbyterian Foundation, December 2020. Commissioned essay.
“Reckoning, Repentance, Reconciliation: Towards a More Just Society.” Center for Pastor Theologians. September 28, 2020. Commissioned essay. Online article:
“Being and Doing Church in the Age of Pandemics.” Threshold Dwellers in the Age of Global Pandemic. Edited by Eleazar Fernandez. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2022. pp. 233-254
“The Arc and The Road: A Journey Towards a More Just Society” in The Living Pulpit (December 2020). Access:
“Theo-Drama: The ‘Now What?’ of Faith” Stewardship Lectionary Preview. Jeffersonville, IN: Presbyterian Foundation, August 2020. Commissioned essay.
“Love Casts Out Fear” Stewardship Lectionary Preview Jeffersonville, IN: Presbyterian Foundation, June 2020. Commissioned essay.
“Sacred Encounters” Stewardship Lectionary Preview Jeffersonville, IN: Presbyterian Foundation, March 2020. Commissioned essay.
“God’s Present of Presence” Stewardship Lectionary Preview Jeffersonville, IN: Presbyterian Foundation, December 2019. Commissioned essay.
“God’s Pursuit, In Pursuit of God” Stewardship Lectionary Preview Jeffersonville, IN: Presbyterian Foundation, September 2019. Commissioned essay.
“It’s All About Community and Stewardship” Stewardship Lectionary Preview Jeffersonville, IN: Presbyterian Foundation, June 2019. Commissioned essay.
“Wisdom in a Wikipedia World: Education, Ecumenism and Leadership in an Age of Globalization” in Schools of Faith: Essays on Theology, Ethics and Education in Honour of Iain R. Torrance. Edited by David Fergusson and Bruce McCormack. London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2019. pp. 279-287
“Reconciliation: On the 50th Anniversary of The Confession of 1967” in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 26 (Fall/Winter 2017): 4-6.
Theological Background for “The Beginnings” Colaborate Presbyterian Confirmation Curriculum. Minneapolis, MN: 1517 Media/Sparkhouse, 2017.
Theological Background for “Reformed and Always Reforming” Colaborate Presbyterian Confirmation Curriculum. Minneapolis, MN: 1517 Media/Sparkhouse, 2017.
Theological Background for “The Sovereignty of God” Colaborate Presbyterian Confirmation Curriculum. Minneapolis, MN: 1517 Media/Sparkhouse, 2017.
“Ordination Best Practices for Ministers, Elders, and Deacons.” Calvin Institute for Christian Worship. On-line resource library. February 8, 2017.
“Scripture in Worship/Lectionary” in special issue of Call to Worship: Liturgy, Music, Preaching and the Arts in honor of Harold Daniels (2017).
Devotional essay in Lenten Meditations on Belhar. Edited by Kerri Allen and Donald McKim. Lousville, KY: Congregational Ministries Publishing, 2017
“Stewardship of Mind: The Ascension and Our Life Together” in Beyond the Offering Plate: A Holistic Approach to Stewardship. Edited by Adam J. Copeland. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2017, pp. 138-150
“New Heaven and New Earth” in Proclaiming the Good News of God’s Peace: The Witness of the Belhar Confession: 2015 Peacemaking Advent Devotions. Edited by Clifton Kirkpatrick. Louisville, KY: Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, 2015
“The Accra Confession and Ecumenism Today”in, August 2014 at: neal-d-presa/
“Holy Gifts, Wholly Giving…Island Style: Sermon Delivered at the Opening Convocation at Columbia Theological Seminary, September 2013” (sermon) in Journal for Preachers, vol 38, no. 1 (Advent 2014): pp. 36-37
“Sacrosanctum Concilium Through the Ministry of Anscar Chupungco” in Proceedings of the North American Academy of Liturgy (January 2014), pp. 41-43
Foreword for Reflections Along the Journey: Theological Narratives of Korean American Clergywomen, edited by Grace Ji-Sun Kim. Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press,
Foreword for A Christian Guide to Spirituality: Foundations for Disciples by Stephen Hiemstra. Centreville, VA: T2Pneuma Publishers LLC, 2014.
“To Be Crucified and Then to Live” (sermon ) in Call to Worship: Liturgy, Music, Preaching, and the Arts, vol. 46.3 (2013): 87-89.
Theological Perspective sections on Luke 8:4-15, Luke 8:16-21, Luke 8:22-25. Feasting on the Gospels, edited by Cynthia Jarvis and Elizabeth Johnson. Louisville, KY: Westmnster John Knox Press, 2014.
“For Such a Time as This, For the Life of the World” (sermon) in Call to Worshp: Liturgy, Music, Preaching, and the Arts, vol. 46.2 (2012), 70-71
“Baptism, Eucharist, and Ministry Revisited at Thirty: A Reformed Ecumenical Perspective” Call to Worship: Liturgy, Music, Preaching, and the Arts, vol. 46.2 (2012), 51-55
“Reformata, Semper Reformanda” Association of Reformed Liturgy & Worship newsletter Vol. 8, issue 1 (Spring 2012), pp. 5-6
“Butt-Naked: Jesus’ Call for Authentic Ministry” The Hardest Question blog of Sparkhouse Publishing (July 8, 2012 – Year B),
“Jesus Followers as A-Theists: Foolishness Meets Reason” The Hardest Question blog of Sparkhouse Publishing (July 8, 2012 – Year B),
“Being Here, Not Here, and Not Yet: The Full Absence and Full Presence of Christ Among Us” The Hardest Question blog of Sparkhouse Publishing (May 27, 2012 – Year B),
“The Walking Alive: On Being Affected/Infected by the Spirit” The Hardest Question blog of Sparkhouse Publishing (May 27, 2012 – Year B),
“Ecumenism in a Post-Denominational Time” on-line journal (November 15-19, 2010), time-neal-d-presa/
“Take, Bless, Break, Give: A Reformed Perspective on Why the Church” Ecumenical Review 62:3 (October 2010), pp. 282-288
“Whenever You Eat This Bread and Drink This Cup: Being a Communion of Churches” in That They May All Be One: Celebrating the World Communion of Reformed Churches. Edited by Neal D. Presa. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2010
“Harvesting the Fruits: Promoting Unity in the Church” Patheos on-line journal (May 11, 2010), Promoting-Unity-in-the-Church.html
Healing Word sections for Year C (2010) Sunday Lectionary readings: April 4-25, May 2-16 in Homily Service, vol. 43, no. 2
Minute for Mission on “Christian Unity” focus for January 24, 2010, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 2010 Mission Yearbook. Louisville, KY: General Assembly Council, 2009.
Healing Word sections for Year B (2009) Sunday Lectionary readings: July 12-August 30 in Homily Service, vol. 42, no. 3
Studying the Lectionary sections for Year B (2008/2009) Sunday Lectionary readings: January 11 and February 22, 2009 in Homily Service, vol. 42, no. 1
Healing Word sections for Year A (2008) Sunday Lectionary readings: October 5-19, November 1-23 in Homily Service, vol. 41, no. 4
“Stale Bread and Sour Wine: Keeping the Gospel Real Through the Sacraments” with accompanying response from the Rev. Dr. Laura Mendenhall in Insights from the Underside: An Intergenerational Conversation of Ministers. Edited by Neal D. Presa. Elizabeth, NJ: Broadmind Press, 2008.
Healing Word sections for Year A (2008) Sunday Lectionary readings: August 3-31 in Homily Service , vol. 41, no. 3
Daily Meditations for May 25-31, 2008, These Days: Daily Devotions for Living By Faith, Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, April-June 2008
“Ordination in The Apostolic Tradition” Call to Worship: Liturgy, Music, Preaching, and the Arts. vol. 40.2 (November 2006)
With Martha Moore-Keish, “Finding a Theology of Ordination and Vocation in Baptism” The Presbyterian Outlook June 19, 2006 (Issue 188-21)
Healing Word sections for Year C (2007) Lectionary readings: October 7, 8 (Canadian Thanksgiving), 14, 21, 28 in Homily Service, vol. 40, no. 11
Healing Word sections for Year B (2006) Lectionary readings: November 1, 5, 12, 19, 26 in Homily Service, vol. 39, no. 12
Healing Word sections for Year B (2006) Lectionary readings: September 3, 17, 24 in Homily Service, vol. 39 , no. 11
“Putting Faith Into Practice”, The Text in Context section, The Present Word Bible Study Curriculum. Louisville, KY:Congregational Ministries Publishing, Fall 2003
“Jesus Fulfills His Mission”, The Text in Context section, The Present Word Bible Study Curriculum. Louisville, KY:Congregational Ministries Publishing, Spring 2004
“Hold Fast to the Faith”, The Text in Context section, The Present Word Bible Study Curriculum. Louisville, KY:Congregational Ministries Publishing, Summer 2004
Book Reviews:
Diary of a Pastor’s Soul: The Holy Moments in a Life of Ministry by M. Craig Barnes (Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2020) in Bulletin for Ecclesial Theology (Fall 2022), forthcoming
Liturgical Mysticism by David Fagerberg (Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Academic, 2019) in Bulletin for Ecclesial Theology (Fall 2022), forthcoming
Theology as a Way of Life: On Teaching and Learning the Christian Faith by Adam Neder (Baker Academic, 2019) in Bulletin for Ecclesial Theology. Vol. 7.2 (Fall 2020), pp. 117-118.
Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know About the People We Don’t Know by Malcolm Gladwell (Little, Brown and Company, 2019) in The Living Pulpit (October 2020).
A Little Book for New Preachers: Why and How to Study Homiletics by Matthew Kim (InterVarsity Press, 2019) in Bulletin for Ecclesial Theology. Vol. 7.1 (Spring 2020), pp. 103-104.
The Christian Imagination: Theology and the Origins of Raceby Willie James Jennings (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2010) in The Living Pulpit (Feb. 2019),
The Collected Sermons of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Volume Oneby Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Edited by Isabel Best. (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2012) in The Living Pulpit (Nov. 2018),
The Pastoral Theologian: Resurrecting an Ancient Vision by Gerald Hiestand and Todd Wilson (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2015) in The Living Pulpit, vol. 26 (Spr 2018): 34-35.
Let the Whole Church Say Amen!: A Guide for Those Who Pray in Public by Laurence Hull Stookey (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2001) in The Living Pulpit, vo. 26(Spr 2018):35.
Beginnings: Ancient Christian Readings of the Biblical Creation Narratives by Peter C. Boutenoff (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2008) in Bulletin of Ecclesial Theology,vol. 5.1 (2018):113-114.
Radical Discipleship: A Liturgical Politics of the Gospel by Jennifer M. McBride (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2017) in The Living Pulpit, vol. 26 (Fall/Winter 2017): 28-29.
Overrated: Are We More in Love with the Idea of Changing the World Than Actually Changing the World? by Eugene Cho (Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 2014) in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 27 (Fall 2017)
Comparative Review of the following 2 books and 1 film to be published in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 27 (Fall 2017):
Silence by Shusaku Endo. Translated by William Johnston. (New York: Taplinger Publishing Company, 1980)
Silence and Beauty by Makoto Fujimura. (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2016)
“Silence” (2016 film). Directed by Martin Scorsese.
At the Heart of Christian Worship: Liturgical Essays of Yves Congar by Yves Congar. Translated and edited by Paul Philibert. (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2010) in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 26 (Spring 2017): 30-31.
Come and See: Presbyterian Congregations Celebrating Weekly Communion by Ronald P. Byars (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2014) in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 25 (Winter 2016): 26-27.
Preaching the Presence of God: A Homiletic from an Asian American Perspective by Eunjoo Mary Kim (Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press, 1999) in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 25 (Winter 2016): 27-29.
Apostolicity: The Ecumenical Question in World Christian Perspective by John G. Flett (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2016) in Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology.
Justification: God’s Plan and Paul’s Vision by N.T. Wright (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2009) in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 25 (Summer/Fall 2016): 26-27.
Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism by Timothy Keller (New York: Viking, 2015) in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 25 (Spring 2016): 30-31.
Homiletical Theology: Preaching as Doing Theology edited by David Schnasa Jacobsen (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2015) in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 24 (Winter 2015): 30-32.
Faith, Freedom and the Spirit: The Economic Trinity in Barth, Torrance and Contemporary Theology by Paul D. Molnar (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press,
2015) in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 24 (Winter 2015): 29-30.
Evangelical Versus Liturgical? Defying a Dichotomy by Melanie C. Ross (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm Eerdmans, 2014) in Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology, vol. 70, no. 4 (October 2016), p. 505.
Embodying Grace: Proclaiming Justification in the Real World by Andrea Bieler and Hans-Martin Gutmann. Translated by Linda M. Maloney (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2010) in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 24 (Summer 2015): 39-40
Comparative review of Called: The Crisis and Promise of Following Jesus Today by Mark Labberton (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2014) and Every Good Endeavor : Connecting Your Work to God’s Work by Timothy Keller (New York: Riverhead Books, 2012) in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 24 (Spring 2015): 24-25
The Dangerous Act of Loving Your Neighbor: Seeing Others Through the Eyes of Jesus by Mark Labberton (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2010) in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 23 (Winter 2014): 26-27.
Faith, Hope & Love: The Ecumenical Trio of Virtues by Geoffrey Wainwright (Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2014) in Ecumenical Review, vol 66, issue 4 (December 2014): 520-522
Missional Preaching: Engage, Embrace, Transform by Al Tizon (Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press, 2012) in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 23 (Summer 2014): 46-47.
Flourishing Churches and Communities: A Pentecostal Primer on Faith, Work, and Economics for Spirit-Empowered Discipleship by Charlie Self (Grand Rapids, MI: Christian’s Library Press, 2013) in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 23 (Spring 2014): 49-50.
My Bright Abyss: Meditation of a Modern Believer by Christian Wiman (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013) in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 22 (Winter 2013): 42.
Rewiring Your Preaching: How the Brain Processes Sermons by Richard H. Cox (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2012) in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 23 (Fall 2013): 51.
Dem Dry Bones: Preaching, Death, and Hope by Luke A. Powery (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2012) in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 22 (Summer 2013): 45-46.
What Not to Say: Avoiding the Common Mistakes That Can Sink Your Sermon by John C. Holbert and Alyce M. McKenzie (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2011) in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 22 (Summer 2013): 46.
The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian Faith by Timothy Keller (New York: Riverhead Books, 2008) in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 21.2 (April- June 2012): 45-46.
Free of Charge: Giving and Forgiving in a Culture Stripped of Grace by Miroslav Volf (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2005) in The Living Pulpit (, vol. 21.2 (April-June 2012): 43-44
Ratzinger ’s Faith: The Theology of Pope Benedict XVI by Tracey Rowland (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008) in Ecumenical Review vol. 63, issue 2 (July 2011): 242-243
Sacraments: Revelation of the Humanity of God: engaging the fundamental theology of Louis-Marie Chauvet eds. Philippe Bordeyne and Bruce T. Morrill (Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 2008) in Homiletic, vol. 35, no. 1 (2010)